Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pop up and 3-D card for a Special Occasion

Hi Friends

             As i told earlier, that i will try my luck in pop up and 3-D cards and hence i got the chance to make it. It was my uncle and aunty's silver wedding anniversary on 24th may and we got to know only 3 days prior. i was in dilemma as to what sort of card should i make. Then i thought..why not...i tried for pop up card. I knew the simple pop up but dint know the floral one which is easy and yet not so easy but once you get the hand of goes quiet easy in making.

It is multilayer(four layers) pop up and 3-D card...few of the ideas i took from internet. now i got the hang of this thing i guess i can make my own ideas come alive.

The card and designs are made from hand made paper of various colors and some stock papers of various designs..and offcourse how can i forget 3-D outliners..  :)

so here are some shots of the layer and surface wise..

And this is the customized envelop i made for the card..

I was so excited that card came along very well but unfortunately i forgot to take pics of the complete card as an entity.

But here is one bonus...i made this paper bag for gift by my own...this was my not so good water color painting which was lying just in the depths of my i took it out and then it clicked..yes..i can make a paper bag out of it..and it really came out looking good as bag..dont you think??? 

Next time i am going to post some really refreshing ideas... till then....

Have a blast you all!!!!!


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