Friday, May 10, 2013

Greeting Cards for Various Occasions

These cards are the little bit old creations of mine. I still have to make new ones..I generally use hand made paper which is usually acid free (because i use it for my water color paintings). i get them from stationary which supply art and craft materials in abundant. I still am to order anything from net  :)

The hand made paper come in large poster sheets or small ones in A size various colors offcorse and also some i get some material from the people having wholesale material for the wedding cards. Usually they have more variety than the traditional stationary shops.



This card is based on hanging decoration theme and the base if made up of card board and covered with thick blue colored poster paper.The orange pouch is made from hand made embossed paper to hold stacks of various messages and greetings. Rest is few decoration with aluminum thin leaves and 3-D out liners.

The base of this card is handmade of black tough handmade paper. i cut the opening sides in "v" pattern to give a more decorative look.This was quite a tough paper so after cutting it from sheet i had to compress it for few hrs to keep it straight. The white paper patch is also a hand made paper more of having twigs n leaves than actual paper. Then i used dried up rose petals for patterns and some fresh Rajnigandha flowers. rest i used 3-D outliner for more effects.

This card is made up of A size pattern paper with glazes handmade paper as second coat. The flower design in center is made from potpourri leaves and the side white corner flowers are plastic artificial flowers. And offcourse as usual i love the 3-D outliners.


This one is having glazed colored handmade paper as the base and pattern paper as second coat and again glazed handmade paper as third coat. The flower patter is of quilled design and also used 3-D outliner for some more effects. On the card edges the flower pattern is the punched out pattern which i took out from other paper using paper punch.

The base is handmade paper again with second and third coat of pattern paper and hand made glazed paper respectively. Then used some stones in various colors to give it a traditional look.

This card has its history of its own. i was making this for the flower shop person for his sister's wedding anniversary. I forgot to take the pictures for the completed card :( but it was a real good card with 3 layers. This layer is small painting sized handmade paper on which i pasted a cut out of my bro's extra wedding card as a pouch to have photos and surrounded with a little painted pattern and 3-D outliner . The second layer of the card i used for paper quilled pattern and the third layer i put on some painting design and message and some more decoration.

Hope you all enjoyed these ones....  :)

Currently i am working on pop up and folding cards. I will update them soon....till then keep a watch.... 


how to make a pop up birthday card said...

What a great idea . I have 2 grandsons who are lego mad so may well put this idea to the test. I will need to do curves though so may be a little more difficult. Your cards look absolutely great.. Have you ever see the Wholesale Pop-Up Cards . I found them on google, their website : My company bought a lots of pop up xmas cards from them last year.

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