Saturday, July 27, 2013


Hello Everyone!!!

Its been long since i posted something...not to i am ...i have been a bit busy, with everything.

These recent days i have been on the quelling quest... :) making and experimenting with various designs and patterns..some of these i got tips from net and some are my own brainwaves.

The month of August is the start of the festival season...starting from friendship day, Teej, then rakshabandhan..and so i though that its a good time to make, keeping all this in mind and i was thinking of organizing a small exhibition of my course with some base people who have some knack for marketing :)

Here are few of the designs i made..

This one is a large pendent which can be worn in square or obliquely.This will look good with high neck tops with collars.

A little square design ..

A large pendent with matching dangling earrings..

 Some dangling elegant earrings....

This one is one of my fav...little birdies...  :)

A quilled design in hoops..

 few medium sized pendents...

large red and blue elegent and so feather light... :)

So and blue ones...

Ooooo...n these little cute and adorable..

Hope these will do for a while... :)

Few of these have all ready been selected and i have to make more in different colors...

Mt quest for quelling has just started and i will get back to you all with more of the designs..till then enjoy these and do tell if they are to you liking...  :D

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Little Bit Of Everything...

Hey people

This post is not about some large or big creations but a little of everything which i made in past few days.

This big box is something i got to see at some other site, of which i dont remember the name but i liked it so much that i could not resist making it. If that person happens to see this post of mine, please think that you inspired me to make this craft.

I used thick glazed papers from a book and made them into long cylinders and joined them all together and viola!!! Previously i thought i might keep it for my craft material storage but somehow i convinced my husband to keep it in his office and he asked me to attach the company logo to this, so i am packing it to his office :)

This is one card which i made for a friend and still have to send to her. I just hope she doesnt read my post before the card reaches her. :O

Its just a regular card but what makes it special is that the base i used is from old wedding invitation card...yeh... i still do collect invitation cards because the material is too good and now much of them are made from some or other kind of handmade papers....and everyone knows i am a great fan of handmade and recycled papers. 
There is little bit of everything in it..quelling, punch craft, 3-d outliners, sequins and some plastic decorations. Inside is the pop up of  birthday wishes.

And this is the envelop to go with the card..made it myself from jute textured handmade paper and decorated with 3-D outliners.

All right, this one is ONE beautiful small box which can be used for keeping jewellery or can be used as pen holder in office.

The body is made from very hard cardboard..and believe me when i say very hard was really very hard and my hands got cramps just cutting the board.Then covered it with two layers of papers, offwhite and maroon respectively. Layered with some stock papers and embossed handmade papers and decorated with sequins and 3-D outliners..  :)..yesss i just cant resist them.

Added a wonderful ORIGAMI simple HEART just under the lid and quelling decoration on the lid.

This one is a small butterfly quelling pendent in hues of pinks and reds and i have added some sequins to give it more glamorous look. 

Did Some experiments with origami last week. And its really fun..i made few small gift boxes jut for the starters. Will continue more in this field this week and hopefully might get some good results.

I hope you all liked this a little bit of everything...will keep on posting more as i make more stuff...

(P.S.- just created a small site

but sigh!!! the storage is so less, hubby said he can make one for me with my own domain name... wow!!!! I am giving it some thought....what do you all say!!!!)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cousins and Bhabhi's Birthdays!!!

Hope you all liked my last post... :) This one is dedicated to cousins....

This month's first week observed some of my cousins here are few of the cards i made ...

The base of the above card is as usual hand made paper...which is totally acid free and then i created some glittering layer on it n well some decoration with 3-D outliner. The inside is 7 fold flower pop up and surrounded it by multilayered leaves...and some decoration with 3-D outliner..

In this cards i used paper quelling decoration on the outside and in the inside i used pop up 3-D design.. 

(This was just a small post to keep this thread running...will post something big next time.. till then..)


Monday, June 17, 2013


HI Friends

Its been long since i posted some thing new. So the wait is over.....

This Post is special to me and close to my heart as i have dedicated it to my parents. It was their 34th marriage anniversary on June 10th and i was thinking as to what to gift them...saree to mom...wrist watch to dad...hmmm... then thought no... these are materialistic things...and they might parish soon...then i got a brain storm....something to freshen up the memories and something close to heart.

So this is the product of my brainstorm....completely handmade picture scrap book....

The cover page and second cover page are purely handmade crafts. I kept them simple and elegant to compliment the photographs pages.


The pictures, i edited in coreldraw and gave them some twist and glamor..My husband helped me in this field too...The picture compilation was done by my brother, his wife and my cousins.

There are 6 more pages which i am omitting ....filled with photographs of those golden memories..   :)

And this is the finishing page...just to give the scrapbook a complete final touch..

Hope you liked my this brainstorm.... :)

Till next post.... take care

( P. S.- Tried to upload video too of the whole book but the blog is not letting me do that)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pop up and 3-D card for a Special Occasion

Hi Friends

             As i told earlier, that i will try my luck in pop up and 3-D cards and hence i got the chance to make it. It was my uncle and aunty's silver wedding anniversary on 24th may and we got to know only 3 days prior. i was in dilemma as to what sort of card should i make. Then i thought..why not...i tried for pop up card. I knew the simple pop up but dint know the floral one which is easy and yet not so easy but once you get the hand of goes quiet easy in making.

It is multilayer(four layers) pop up and 3-D card...few of the ideas i took from internet. now i got the hang of this thing i guess i can make my own ideas come alive.

The card and designs are made from hand made paper of various colors and some stock papers of various designs..and offcourse how can i forget 3-D outliners..  :)

so here are some shots of the layer and surface wise..

And this is the customized envelop i made for the card..

I was so excited that card came along very well but unfortunately i forgot to take pics of the complete card as an entity.

But here is one bonus...i made this paper bag for gift by my own...this was my not so good water color painting which was lying just in the depths of my i took it out and then it clicked..yes..i can make a paper bag out of it..and it really came out looking good as bag..dont you think??? 

Next time i am going to post some really refreshing ideas... till then....

Have a blast you all!!!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Paintings and murals

Today's post is all about paintings and murals i made..these are the old ones and some of them have been used for office and hospital furnishings.

I usually am a fan of water colors and poster colors but also like acrylic and oil paints though i am not that of a patient person so oil painting is not much of my forte.

These below are some water color paintings taken from the concept on known water color artist Milind mulak. I love his concepts which are usually set in small villages and their streets and have some traditional bearings.

The following are the mixes media paintings including poster colors and acrylic colors.

These are mixed media paintings which have been used for office furnishing.

These down are the warli art based paintings. A lot of patience for these was required, especially the poster sized ones. Warli art revolves mainly around the celebration of crop harvesting.Here the harvesting diety is worshiped by the community. Usually the figures are drawn on the dark base and the color used for drawing the figures is usually white and some times shades of yellow and orange.

This was my second mural ..well it went ok..not that good or something..but its really messy work. so i have not made more murals yet. But thinking of some different concept for these.

 Will post some more soon......till then.....